Dear Mom,
Don’t move to Bartlesville, Ok. Move to Castel Gondolfo, Italy!
There’s a reason the popes live in Italy and Shakespeare set nearly a third of his plays there. It ROCKS!
Florence is great. Rome is awe-inspiring. But the popes win the genius prize for putting the papal summer villa in Castel Gandolfo on the side of an ancient volcano overlooking Lake Albano. Please, Mommy, move there!
Any of the 17th century villages hugging the cliffs around Lake Albano would be fabulous. The narrow streets, shops and apartments hang on the cliffs like floral window boxes. I bought a scarf for you from a street vendor. You will look fabulous wearing it in any one of the cafes on the piazza as you sip cappuccino and nibble a tart made with tiny strawberries.
And mom, you’ll love the Woodson family which hosted us. Brady Woodson is brother of our friend Ashley Woodson in Austin. His wife Luisa grew up in Castel Gandolfo. We immediately fell in with their rhythm (I hope they would say the same) and had a great time with them and their three fabulous kids.
Can’t wait to discuss your expatriation to the Castelli Romani!
XOX, Sarah Pi
Sarah if you talk your Mommy into moving here could she adopt me and my husband Casey? We work cheap.
Gee, How about the favorite M-I-L? I’m even Catholic. Of course, my hi-heels won’t fit big Nadine.