The Swedish farm: We are at an organic farm in northern Sweden and this family has chickens and pigs and dogs and horses. There are 4 children. A one year old, a three year old, a five year old, and a seven year old. The horse’s name is Balu. He is a twenty year old minnie horse. They also have a ton of pigs and chickens. It can be really fun to feed the pigs. When I caught a brown trout I fed the bones to the pigs after we ate it. I also fed a chicken carcass to the pigs after supper. The biggest pig devoured both in less than thirty seconds all by himself. It was amazing. The dogs names are Tilda and Alice. Tilda is Alice’s mother. Alice is huge but Tilda far outweighs her. Balu is really hard to move and sometimes gets out when the children leave the gate open. I drive the lawn mower around and mow grass alot. Then I feed the mowed grass to the pigs. They eat everything except for orange peals. The fence that surounds them is electrified so that the adult pigs can’t get out. For some reson the shock does not bother the baby pigs so they pretty much go where ever they like.
Hank, you look like you fit right in at that farm! And very nice fish.