The salt mine in Poland was very interesting and I think that it would not be as interesting if it was not so old, for the mine was started hundreds of years ago, but I do not think that the mine was only interesting for that reason, I also thought that it was interesting because you could rub your hand across the wall and then you could lick your hand and it would be salty. The mine also had wood walls that were piled a certain way, so that the mine would not collapse, which I think is very cool. When you are on the tour they give you head sets and little radios, so that you can here them clearly, the thing that I thought was cool about that, is that they worked so far under ground. They also had churches in the mine, the churches were very pretty and they had very nice art work, but the stairs were made of the salt rocks that were in the mine, and those were very slippery. When you were done with the tour, you are able to walk around a large circle in the mine that has different rooms, that you can shop, play, and eat, then when you are done with that you can go up on the lift.
Did you buy a salt shaker?
I’d like to see that salt mine, your observations make it sound even more interesting, along with the pictures.